April 10, 2012


Pride is such a bummer. It's a bummer because it's everywhere and it seems like no matter how hard we try, no matter how deep we dig, we cannot eradicate it from ourselves. Even in humility we find pride. How often have I found myself proud of how humble I am? It's twisted. Why is it that everything that enters my mind is automatically filtered through the "how does this affect me" filter? I can't just listen. I can't just watch. I have to figure out the tie to myself and whether this thing will make me more happy, sad, indifferent, special, noticed, uneasy, or whatever.

But this is the nature of sin isn't it? Sin is me telling God I know better. It's me telling God I'm in charge. It's all about me. When Adam and Eve sinned in the garden it wasn't about being tricked, it was about the filter of pride. Was it already there? Was pride just waiting to be triggered by a well-placed question?

God help me to learn what humility really is, instead of this prideful self-promotion.

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